Pop Art Ladies - NFT Project
Pop art is an art movement that emerged in the mid-1950s in Britain and the late 1950s in the United States.
It was characterized by its use of bold colors, popular imagery, and a sense of irony and irreverence.
illustration pop art
pop art series - blond woman, portrait - original NFT - image on OpenSea
One of the most iconic images of pop art is that of the blond lady, a symbol of beauty and femininity that was popularized by artists such as Andy Warhol and Roy Lichtenstein. Blond ladies were a common theme in pop art, and they were often depicted in bright, bold colors.
illustration pop art
pop art series - blond woman, portrait - original NFT - image on OpenSea
The use of color was an essential aspect of pop art, as it helped to emphasize the artificiality and commercialism of the images it depicted. The colors used in pop art were often highly saturated, and they often had a neon-like quality that made them stand out from their surroundings.
illustration pop art
pop art series - blond woman, portrait - original NFT - image on OpenSea
Love was another common theme in pop art, and it was often depicted in a highly stylized and exaggerated way. Pop art was known for its use of irony and humor, and many of its depictions of love were designed to be both humorous and provocative.
illustration pop art
My pop art - artwork is created through inspiration, illustration, photoshop and also by using "AI" tools.
Thank you for looking at my new NFT - project!
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