sad Bonobo - NFT Project
The Bonobos are an endangered monkey species found in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
pop art - sad bonobo project
sad bonobo project - sad bonobo No 4 - original NFT - image on OpenSea
They are one of the most intelligent primates and have been observed using tools,
playing games, and engaging in complex social interactions.

pop art - sad bonobo project
sad bonobo project - sad bonobo No 5 - original NFT - image on OpenSea
Unfortunately, their population is rapidly decreasing due to habitat destruction caused by deforestation and poaching for bushmeat or pet trade ...
pop art - sad bonobo project
sad bonobo project - sad bonobo No 1 - original NFT - image on OpenSea
... and that's the reason why the bonobos are really sad today!
pop art - sad bonobo project
sad Bonobo Project - Artwork contains Comic, Pop Art and Art Nouveau Elements and is made by Inspiration, Illustration, Photoshop and "AI" - Tools.
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